Saturday, June 8, 2024

Robot Dreams arrives in US Theaters

I first became aware of Sara Varon's graphic novel when my son was in High School and brought it home from the library. I remember see that there was no dialogue throughout the entire book and liking the simple cartoon illustrations.

Years later, my son is now in college and I discovered that "Robot Dreams" has become a new 2d animated feature film by Pablo Berger. I saw the film at as a screener for the 51st Annie Awards through ASIFA Hollywood which I am a member.

"Robot Dreams" won for best independent animated feature at the Annies and was later nominated for an Oscar for best animated feature. Heron,(which won the Oscar). However, all this time the film had not been released in US theatres, until now.

Please enjoy these 3 interviews I have done beginning with Sara Varon, the artist/author of "Robot Dreams".

Here's an interview with Benoit Feroumont, who was the animation director of "Robot Dreams" and who helped get Pablo Berger's storyboards turned into the final animation.

And finally, here are two interviews with live action director Pablo Berger. The first one was part of a Q/A which was shown after a screening at the Aero Theater in Santa Monica, talking about his first animated film, "Robot Dreams". 

And the last interview, I only had 10 minutes to interview Pablo Berger.  I asked him about several of his past films and a few questions about "Robot Dreams".

Well, I hope you enjoy the interviews above. Robot Dreams is a nice 2D feature which might be more touching for adults where as kids will see it on other levels. It is definitely a nice break from the Summer superhero or killer robot stories. 

Please leave a comment below to let us know what you thought of the film.

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