Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Tomm Moore interview

If you've seen "The Secret of Kells" or "Song of the Sea", then you have seen the work of Tomm Moore and his animation studio Cartoon Saloon in Kilkenny, Ireland. Recently, I got an opportunity to interview Tomm and talked a lot about his new film, Wolfwalkers.

The theme of this film is "When friendship conquers fear" and is the story of a young girl living in Kilkenny in 1650. Her father is a hunter who she wants to be like. One day, she goes hunting by herself and she meets a very interesting and wild little girl who lives in the woods nearby.

When I spoke with Moore, he was in middle of finishing up the movie poster for the film. I also learned that Moore will be doing the 2d animation for Jim Capobianco's upcoming animated feature called "The Inventor"; another upcoming interview. Take a look at the interview below and learn how this film is also based on Irish history. 

If you enjoyed this interview, please show your support by leaving a comment below or subscribing or liking the YouTube channel Animateducated ! 


  1. WOW! What a treasure trove your blog is! New Fan! =O Listening to your interview with Tomm Moore while I work-- SO bummed that TIFF didn't allow for online streaming of the film-- only Canadian Citizens. </3

  2. Hope you will subscribe to the Animateducated YoUTube channel! Thanks for commenting!
