This year's 24 hour animation contest began on Friday, Oct 6th and 183 short animated films of 30 seconds were created in the period of 24 hours. The theme was, "One of these things is not like the others," Enjoy the top 5 films.
5th Place: Sherry Babies, Sheridan College
4th Place: Team Combo Meal: San Jose State University
3rd Place: Pham Jam, Seneca College
2nd Place: The Ani-Mates, Ringling Art & Design
And in First Place!
Bear Eats Mackerel - Sheridan College
There is a bonus to all the teams who created a film in 24 hours, but didn't win the top 5 prizes. They can now fix up anything to improve their story, animation, editing, sound, etc and included it into their reel or portfolio.
Here's a link to all the films
4th Place: Team Combo Meal: San Jose State University
3rd Place: Pham Jam, Seneca College
2nd Place: The Ani-Mates, Ringling Art & Design
And in First Place!
Bear Eats Mackerel - Sheridan College
There is a bonus to all the teams who created a film in 24 hours, but didn't win the top 5 prizes. They can now fix up anything to improve their story, animation, editing, sound, etc and included it into their reel or portfolio.
Here's a link to all the films
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