Sunday, September 24, 2017

Another Watchcat Weekend!

This week, we got some great news! 

An animation student of mine and a Woodbury University alumni, Tyler Rogers 2017 senior film, Gator’s Aid will be screened at the Sony Pictures Animation event, World Animation Celebration International Short Film Festival.  Tyler directed, designed and animated a 2d short about a comic encounter by a hapless bird and a mother alligator. Tyler graduated this past May, with his B.F.A. in Animation. Congrats Tyler!

And Congrats to Watchcat Episode 2 which will also be screened at...  

International Short Film Animation Festival
 Held at... 
 9050 Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 
Saturday, Sept 30th & Sunday, Oct 1st

But you can see our film it below...

During this weekend's festival, I will be in Dallas for a Portfolio Review Day, while Greg will be working the crowd at the above event. Look for the guy in the Watchcat T-shirt...
(Kevin Conroy might even be there too.)

And if you mention Watchcat, you'll get a free Watchcat postcard! Greg will also have a few XL Watchcat logo T-shirts and some collector WC pins for sale. Become a subscriber to our Watchcat Films channel on Youtube at the event and you'll get a free pin!
We will post if we win anything, but right now just getting in the festival is a great reward! If anyone visited the festival, please let us know what you thought of it in the comments below.

And if you enjoyed this blog, please let us know...

Please support us by Subscribing to our Watchcat Films Youtube Channel! and become our 110th or more subscriber!

Next Weekend: The 24 Hours Animation Contest returns Oct 6 & 7! Here's a sneak preview...

24 Hours Animation Contest begins Oct 7th!

The 24 HOURS Animation Contest for Students is back and will take place on Friday October 6th at 3pm PST to Saturday October 7th at 4pm.

For those that do not know, I have been running this international event for the past 15 years in which students around the world compete in teams of 5 to complete a 30 second animated film in just 24 Hours based on a given theme (by me). Believe it or not, with these tight constraints - many teams actually complete their films…in color!!!

Working from their home school all teams will start at the exact same time and submit a Youtube link to their films to before the deadline Saturday October 7th at 4pm PSTLate submissions will NOT be accepted so teams will need to plan ahead and trouble shoot any issues INCLUDING UNSENT EMAILS AND YOUTUBE LINKS THAT DO NOT WORK!!!. Teams will need at least one faculty advisor (one from each school is fine) that will make sure the students have necessary equipment and space to do their work. 

Each team must choose a TEAM CAPTAIN and choose a team name. Be sure the name is not offensive to others and is not similar to a registered team name (lists will be posted every few days on the 24 HOURS Facebook page):

TEAM CAPTAINS must register their 5-person team before Oct 3 2017 at the following link:
Finished films will be judged by a panel of industry experts and prizes awarded to the top 5 teams. In past years we have had excellent prizes from our industry sponsors, which have included: CSU Summer Arts, ToonBoom, DigiCel, Focal Press, CTNX, Wacom, Animation Magazine, ASIFA-Hollywood, Stuart NG Books, Disney, DreamWorks, Blue Sky, Laika, Film Roman and more!.

This contest will teach our students much about working together, meeting deadlines and making creative decisions under pressure AND they all have a lot of fun and return for more each year – so it’s a proven model they really enjoy. This has been such a successful event and has grown every year. In 2016, with 140 teams (700 students) from 26 schools (USA, Canada, Australia and Mexico) participating it was the largest one yet!  I plan to continue this every year and I hope you can join us.
If interested, please send attached RULES cheat sheet to your student/clubs and please let me know if we can expect participation from your school and I will add your schools name to our list and email group. It is completely free to participate.
Questions? Just ask! 

FYI: Here is a list of schools that participated in 24 HOURS 2016:
• Academy of Art University, San Francisco
• Cal State University San Francisco
• Columbus College of Art and Design 
• Drexel University 
• Ferris State University 
• Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne 
• ITESM Campus Querétaro, Mexico 
• Kansas City Art Institute 
• Kendall College of Art and Design 
• Middle Tennessee State University 
• Nevada State College 
• Ringing College of Art and Design
• Sam Houston State University 
• San Jose State University 
• School of Visual Arts 
• Seneca College, Canada 
• Sheridan College, Canada 
• South Dakota State University 
• ULAVAL, Quebec, Canada 
• University of California Berkeley 
• University of Melbourne/Victorian College of the Arts. Australia 
• University of Southern California 
• Woodbury University 
• Franklin HIGH SCHOOL 
School not on the list? No problem! Just send me an email and I will add it to our drop down menu so that your students see it there when they register. 
Happy teaching and “see” you at 24 HOURS!!!, 
Aubry Mintz, Professor/CSULB and 24 HOURS contest organizer 949-547-2370