Sunday, October 20, 2019

Klaus, a return to 2D?

When you think of a 2D animated movie about the beginning of Santa Claus, you might think of this...
This weekend, I went to a "making of" event for Klaus, the first animated production from Netflix and SPA Studios. The first started back in 2014 or so, when animation director, Sergio Pablos started working out an origin story of Santa Claus. 

Pablos created a pitch presentation and animated a preview showcasing his 2d animation using a new look which gave more details to lighting and effects animation. This new look development allowed Pablos and his team to create an animated short which combined the best 2D animation with the 3D rendering look of CG animation. Here's an interesting article about that process.

All the research and work paid off and is now become a 2D feature hybrid of animation film called "Klaus".

The animation is superb in quality, the storytelling is fun, the character designs and acting is very appealing to watch. All of this film was well worth the wait and should be a nice Holiday movie to watch this November and every November after that.

Will this be a film that returns us to 2D animation production?

If you would like to know more about Sergio Pablos, check out this 2016 interview

Is this film on your holiday list? Let us know below or follow us if you like what you see.

1 comment:

  1. Is this the film that started in TV Paint, and switched to Harmony? At any rate, the trailer has great acting, and a dynamic visual design that's far superior to that drab youtube clip above. Here's hoping they can turn producers away from the idea that Maya is the solution to everything.
