Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Onion Skin in Harmony 17

The latest Harmony 17 has improved their Onion Skin feature with added controls. Click on the Pages below to enlarge them.

Shift and Trace!

Shift and Trace was one of those very helpful technique which is hard to explain in words. A visual demo helps understand the process easier.

Basically you are trying to keep your artwork on model as you are inbetweening. In traditional 2D animation, this requires that you remove your key drawings from the pegs, shifting the position of your Keys to line up in the same area on the paper. Not only where you lining up your drawings, but you were also lining up the edges of the paper and the peg holes evenly.

Then you would TRACE off the inbetween in this position and when everything was re-pegged onto the peg bar, the Inbetween was in a better position and more On Model than before.

I told you its hard to understand, but recently, Harmony has a new Function called SHIFT and TRACE bringing this hard to understand technique into their 2D software. Below are some pages which will show you how to do it.

Click on the pages below to enlarge image.