Saturday, June 18, 2016


Thank You for the 15,000 all time views!

Animateducated has just hit its 15,000 views and we want to thank everyone for taking the time to visit this blog. We are still in the process of improving the content and welcome other animators or educators to add their animation articles of interest. 

To celebrate this occasion, we'd like to hear from you, the viewer. What do you like about this blog? Anything you would like to see in future blog posts? Any comments are welcomed below.

Future Interviews in the works 

Back in February, we did a post on Caroline Leaf, and recently she contacted us to let us know what she is doing to these days.

Back in May, I contacted Andreas Deja, who is working on his film "Mushka" and has his own blog, Deja View. I have collected only about 4831 questions so far, just a few more to go before we can do the interview.

Do you have any animation interviews or animation people you would like to learn more about. Perhaps we can organize an animation safari and track down an exclusive interview together? Send us your comments, suggestions, thoughts, anything is welcomed and appreciated.

Thank you to the 100 viewers from Japan who visited recently!

Thanks for the 15000, see you at 20,000!
Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Green M&M: Getting a Performance

One of my first jobs in CG animation was to work on a variety M&M commercials when I was working at Vinton Studios. Recently, I came across a commercial which edited my animation into a brand new spot many years later.

Here's the original 2001 commercial, featuring the green M&M and a live action actor.

To help give the real actor his awkward performance, the director had the entire set surrounding the cameraman covered in graphic porno images. When the actor opened the door, he is actually looking at a collection naked images never seen by the home viewer. Now, re-watch the video and see if how he reacts in his scenes.

Many years later, this spot from 2006 features my Green animation again. If anyone knows what language this is or more about this spot, please let me know.