Shameless Advertising

To help keep drawing animation alive and well in the hearts and minds of mortal men and women, we have added ad space and hope you will click on them everytime you visit Animateducated. Just one click let's us know that you like this blog and want to help support not only drawing animation, but all forms of animation.
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Did you that before Dr Suess wrote children stories, he was an advertising cartoonist.
Click on the ad above to see more advertising from decades ago...
As a kid, I grew up on watching lots of TV commercials and like you, advertising theme songs and jingles have stuck in my head. Today, I hardly ever watch TV, but those advertising slogans are still in there. Youtube is the new TV and I see more new and old things on it with commercials you can skip when they allow it. And speaking of commercials.
One thing I don't miss were the TV ads for cigarettes. I'm not sure when they stopped, but here are a few I recently rediscovered...
I'm glad I didn't see my favorite cartoon show doing this...
Most commericals use to be one minute in length and over the years they shrank down to 30 seconds or 15 seconds as the audience attention spans decreased as well. The next modern commercial will be know as " vines". Youtube offspring of hyper fast humor set up and payoffs in 7 seconds. My kids watch them endlessly and I have a feeling the future advertisers are either already looking at this format or soon will be.

And clickspeaking of click ad subliminal advertising click ad, be sure to click click it on the click ad on the right. My apologies click ad if its an clickad for cigarettes.
Thank you to the person in Brunei, who clicked on the ad and gave me 0.12 cents!
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